Note: The TADM eServices will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on 27 March 2025, from 7pm to 11pm. During this period, the TADM eServices and Chatbot will not be available. Thank you for your understanding.

You may visit the Ministry of Manpower if you have general queries on the Employment Act.


Note: You can file a claim with your Singpass. You will be notified of the next step, and you can log into your dashboard via eServices to view and manage your claim.

Use "Ask TADM" chatbot to get immediate answers, claim assessment, and to file your claim. It will offer to make an appointment if needed.

Do take note of the time limit(s) to file your claim(s). Visit the Ministry of Manpower if you have general queries on the Employment Act.

Know your options

Try to resolve the dispute amicably with the other party first. Disputes often arise because of misunderstandings, lack of communication or an unfamiliarity with the law.

If you need our help, answer a few questions below to find out the options available to you.

What is your dispute about?

E.g. Notice pay, overtime pay, paid leave (annual, maternity etc.), medical benefits, bonuses, fee payment-related disputes for self-employed person and platform worker

E.g. Wrongful dismissals, maternity or age-related dismissals, denial of re-employment