WSH in Procurement

Projects can be managed safely if service buyers consider WSH during their procurement process and require good WSH standards from service providers.

What Service Buyers Should Do

By ensuring WSH is considered at every step of their procurement process, service buyers can select service providers who can complete the project safely. 

Service buyers can consider the following WSH-related indicators when evaluating and selecting service providers (non-exhaustive):
Past WSH experience, performance and records (e.g. WSH Awards).
Accreditation and certification of WSH Management Systems (e.g. bizSAFE).
WSH policies (e.g. internal reporting systems).
Adoption of technology to improve WSH (e.g. video surveillance systems).

For example, as upstream service buyers, developers can adopt the following to incorporate WSH into their procurement process (non-exhaustive):
Focus on positive WSH outcomes early in the project.
Provide a WSH bonus to incentivise and motivate good WSH performance.
Disqualify all main contractors and nominated sub-contractors with poor WSH records from tendering for the project.
Incorporate WSH into their tender evaluation framework.
Require main contractors to evaluate and disqualify domestic sub-contractors with poor WSH records/performance from working on the project.
Track the WSH performance of all main and sub-contractors working on the project.

For More Information

WSH Guidelines for Procurement in the Construction Industry (PDF)
Enhancement to WSH Requirements in Public Sector Construction and Construction-related Projects