What I can do as an Employer

Learn what you can do to kickstart your organisation journey or advance further as a progressive employer

Just like physical health, mental well-being should not be left for employees to manage on their own. Employers have a part to play too. As an employer, you have the power to shape your work environment and culture, and make it a positive and uplifting workplace for your employees to thrive in.

Step 1: Understand the situation

Use iWorkHealth, a free online survey tool to help you find out your workforce’s overall state of mental well-being, and key workplace stressors affecting your employees’ mental well-being. 

Step 2: Equip your team with knowledge and skills

 Organise talks or workshops to raise awareness. The Total WSH Programme offers free mental well-being workshops to help your employees know more about mental health issues, providing support to one another, and reducing or managing stress better.

• Alternatively, you may also consider the Workplace Outreach Wellness (WOW) Programme which is specially curated by the Health Promotion Board. The programme offers a range of workplace health and wellness activities, and is aimed at promoting healthy behaviours and equip staff members with information and abilities they need to make healthy lifestyle decisions. View the heavily subsidised workshops you can enjoy under the WOW Programme.

• Send them for more in-depth training and courses to build specific skills such as mental health first aid

Step 3: Review benefits, policies, processes 

Check out the list of recommendations to focus on reducing work stressors identified from the iWorkHealth report.

Read the Tripartite Advisory on Mental Well-being at Workplaces to find out how mental well-being can be better supported by initiatives for organisations, teams or individuals.

Get inspiration and actionable guidance on implementing workplace initiatives from A Playbook on Workplace Mental Well-being. This guide includes tips from HR practitioners who have successfully rolled out initiatives in their own workplaces. 

Engage Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Service Providers to provide employees with a safe and anonymous channel to seek help from.