Safe Lifting Operation Kit

10 Aug 2011 Publications Resource Kits Lifting

Code of Practice
-Code of Practice on Safe Lifting Operations in the Workplaces (First revision: 2014)

Guides and Handbook
-Guidebook for Lifting Supervisors (First revision: 2014)
-Worker's Safety Handbook for Rigger and Signalman
-Worker's Safety Handbook for Crane Operator
-Worker's Safety Handbook for Lorry Crane Operator

-Observe Safe Lifting Practices At All Times

Links to Videos and Animations
-Safety @ Work
-Give Yourself a Chance
-Jimmy and the Forklift
-Safety Medley
-Safety for You and Me
-Ah Pui! Accidents are Predictable and Preventable
-Knock Off
-Almost Time
-Tower Cranes - The Safe External Climbing of Tower Cranes
-Crushed by Gantry Crane