Call to Transportation and Storage Sector for Vigilance
20 Feb 2025 Announcements
Past data showed that injury rates for the Transportation and Storage (T&S) sector have been comparatively higher in March. The WSH Council urges these companies to exercise greater vigilance so that they can avoid top injury causes, such as vehicular incidents and slips, trips and falls.
While not exhaustive, the following risk control measures are a good starting point for companies to ensure that their workplace is safe for their workers:
Vehicular Safety
- Traffic Management Plan (TMP): Establish and implement a TMP at the workplace. The TMP should cover factors about the vehicles (type, safety devices), work environment (work activities, traffic conditions, environmental conditions), and drivers (health conditions, training and competency, behaviours and habits). Educate and remind all workers to adhere to the TMP.
- Driver safety: Allow only drivers with a valid license to operate vehicles. Remind drivers to adopt safe driving habits, such as keeping within speed limits and to remain focused on the road. Drivers should only park their vehicles at designated areas.
- Vehicle safety: Follow the manufacturer’s or supplier’s recommendations for regular maintenance and servicing of vehicles, and refrain from installing unauthorised modifications like forklift attachments. Remind drivers to perform daily pre-operation checks before driving off.
Consider installing safety technology on vehicles, such as presence detectors, reverse cameras, speed limiters, and driver fatigue monitors. Learn more about WSH technology for vehicular safety.
- Workplace traffic controls: Clearly demarcate pedestrian walkways and vehicle driveways, ensuring that they are free of obstructions. Provide sufficient lighting to ensure visibility at all times. Install highly visible markings and traffic signs to remind road users of traffic safety rules.
Find out more about Vehicular Safety.
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls
- Slip-resistance: Design wet areas with slip-resistant materials. Deploy slip-resistant mats along slippery walkways and install slip-resistant tape on steps. Provide workers with slip-resistant footwear.
- 3-point contact: Ensure heavy vehicles have sufficient handholds and grab bars for drivers to maintain a three-point contact. Remind drivers to do so when accessing or egressing vehicles.
- Good housekeeping: Provide adequate lighting along pedestrian walkways, keeping them free of obstructions. Ensure liquid spills are cleaned up as soon as possible.
Find out more about preventing Slips, Trips and Falls.
Workers are our eyes on the ground. To prevent injuries, empower them to report any unsafe situations that they see around the workplace. Learn how at Take Time to Take Care microsite.