Protect Workers from Heat Stress
25 Apr 2023 Announcements
With rising temperatures around the globe, the warmer weather puts workers at an increased risk of heat stress, particularly for those performing manual work outdoors. Workers who are unacclimatised to the local weather and have just recovered from an illness are also more vulnerable to heat stress injuries.As we enter the hotter months, protect your workers by implementing the following measures at the workplace:
1. Monitor the wet bulb globe temperature regularly to assess heat stress risks.
2. Reduce exposure to heat by:
• Scheduling heavy physical work to cooler parts of the day;
• Providing shaded areas for outdoor workers to work and rest; and
• Encouraging workers to take regular breaks under shaded areas.
3. Reduce the risks of workers developing heat injuries by:
• Educating workers about the dangers of heat stress, and what are the preventive
measures and emergency first-aid response; and
• Reminding workers to report to their supervisor immediately if they feel unwell.
MOM inspectors will be visiting workplaces to ensure adequate measures are taken to prevent heat injuries.
Download the WSH Guidelines on Managing Heat Stress in the Workplace.
Get more resources on how to manage heat stress.