Qualifying Workplace Injury Rates for WSH Performance Awards and SHARP

20 Apr 2022 Announcements

The WSH Council has finalised the injury indicators that will be used to assess applications for the WSH Performance Awards and Safety and Health Award Recognition for Projects (SHARP), as part of WSH Awards 2022.

Please refer to the table below:
Industry 2021 
Industry Injury Rate 
(per 100,000 workers)
50% of 
Industry Injury Rate 
(per 100,000 workers)* 
12.5% of 
Industry Injury Rate 
(per 100,000 workers)**

Construction  611 306 77
Marine  509 255 64
Manufacturing 726 363 91
Other sectors 295 148 37
* WSH Performance Awards applicants must attain a company injury rate lower than 50% of industry injury rate.

** SHARP applicants must attain a project or worksite injury rate lower than 12.5% of the industry injury rate.  

The injury rates are based on workplace fatal and non-fatal (major and minor) injuries. The minor injuries include injuries sustained by employees that resulted in four or more days of medical leave, or at least 24 hours of hospitalisation.

The closing date for applications is on 26 April 2022.  Please ensure that all supporting documents are uploaded to OneDrive by this date.

For more details about the Awards’ criteria, please visit www.wshc.sg/wshawards.