Calling for feedback on two Singapore Standards

28 Nov 2022 Announcements

Enterprise Singapore invites members of the public to provide feedback on two Singapore Standards. 

1. Revisions to the Code of practice for temporary electrical installations – Part 3: Shipbuilding and ship-repairing yards (Revision of CP 88-3:2004

This part of the Code deals principally with the provision of temporary electricity supply from the shore fixed installations or from mobile generating sets to vessel(s) under construction and during repair and conversion work.

The Code covers all temporary electrical installations in the building and repairing of vessels in the yards. It applies to electrical installations set up for the provision of electricity supply during the execution of the works in:

(a) shipbuilding and repairing yards;
(b) vessels moored alongside the yards; and
(c) confined spaces or confined locations or other similar situations on board vessels.

The Code does not cover:

(a) electricity supply for the vessel’s electrical installation and any part of such installation set up for the use by the crew on board vessel;
(b) installations operating at voltages exceeding low voltage.

The objective of this Code is to protect persons and property against electrical hazards while the vessels are under construction and during repair and conversion. The general requirements of SS 638 shall be read in conjunction with this Code.

This Code shall cover electrical installations and practices generally experienced in the yards under normal safe working environment. For installations in hazardous spaces or zones in vessels which contain flammable and explosive vapours or gases, the recommendations of the skilled person, the safety department of the shipyards or relevant authorities shall be sought prior to the commencement of any electrical installation work.

2. Review of Singapore Standards on Protective gloves – General requirements and test methods 

This standard specifies general requirements and relevant test procedures for glove design and construction, resistance of glove materials to water penetration, innocuousness, comfort and efficiency, marking and information supplied by the manufacturer. 

This standard is reviewed with the intention to adopt the latest international standard for the safety needs of the local industry. 

Users of the standard include manufacturers and suppliers, buyers and end-users, TIC bodies, industry associations and relevant government agencies.

Please submit your comments on either or both Standards by 5 December 2022 to