WSH eForum for the Food and Beverage Sector and Launch of the STF Campaign 2021
31 May 2021 Announcements
The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council in collaboration with the hotel and Food and Beverage (F&B) associations will be organising a WSH e-Forum for the Food and Beverage Sector, and launching the Slips, Trips and Falls (STF) Campaign 2021 on 17 June 2021.The e-forum will provide you with the opportunities to hear from various exemplary companies about their innovative technologies that aid in productivity and WSH, as well as the importance of risk assessment in the prevention of work hazards in the F&B working environment.
As STF is one of the top contributors to of workplace injuries, making up nearly half of all major injuries in 2020, it is important to create greater awareness of STF safety so that such risks could be mitigated or eliminated at the workplaces. We will also be launching the STF Campaign at this platform to remind the industry to set aside time to take actions to prevent STFs in the workplace. Companies will find out more about how they can participate in the Campaign and protect their workers from STFs.
Please see the programme and register for the live streaming session.