Third Quarter 2021 National WSH Statistics

22 Nov 2021 Announcements

1) Workplace injuries remained stable in the third quarter of 2021 (3Q 2021)

• The number of injuries for 3Q 2021 were generally comparable to the last two quarters (1Q & 2Q 2021).

• The number of fatalities and occupational diseases were lower in 3Q 2021 compared to the previous quarter in 2Q 2021.

• With the end-of-year festive season coming, we urge the industry and workers to remain vigilant and follow safe work procedures.

• We would like to remind employers to continue to prioritise workplace safety and health (WSH) so that we have a safe and healthy end to an eventful 2021.

2) Manufacturing and Construction sectors continued to see most fatal and major injuries

• In 3Q 2021, Manufacturing saw 37 major injuries, while Construction contributed 31 major and 2 fatal injuries. These numbers remained comparable to numbers seen in the first 2 quarters of this year (1Q & 2Q 2021).

3) Slips, Trips and Falls (STFs) remained the top cause for major injuries

• More than one in three (35%) major injuries that occurred in 3Q 2021 involved STFs.

• The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) mounted a special operation targeting 500 workplaces in Manufacturing, Services and Construction industries from August to September 2021.
-7 stop work orders, 132 composition fines and 1,312 notices of non-compliance were issued.
Top contraventions included (i) open sides without fall protection, (ii) unguarded machinery, (iii) poor housekeeping, (iv) lack of safety measures while working on slippery/uneven surfaces, and (v) lack of safe access and egress from the workplace.

• The WSH Council launched the STF Campaign in June 2021 to encourage employers to co-create safe workplaces by taking time to check for STF hazards, conduct housekeeping and share prevention tips with their workers. The Campaign included a series of STF prevention infographics that were shared with workers on social media to spread the message. These and other resources on best practices are available on WSH Council’s Campaign webpage.

• Participants attending the WSH Council’s industry events in the month of November can look forward to sharing sessions on good practices to eliminate STF incidents. Such events include recently concluded Construction WSH Leadership Dialogue on 16 November 2021 and the upcoming WSH Forum for Facilities Management 2021 on 25 November 2021.

• Beyond the workplace, a digital poster on STF prevention tips will also be screened on over 2,000 electronic noticeboards at selected public housing estates in January 2022 to reach out to workers residing in the heartlands.

Download the WSH Statistic infographic.