WSH Landscape Safety Forum 2024

07 Aug 2024 Forum Past Event Construction and Landscape

  • Date:

    07 Aug 2024

  • Time:

    9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Location:

    Suntec Singapore, Convention & Exhibition Centre, Level 6, Hospitality Pavilion
  • Spots Available:


  • Event resources:

    Not Added Yet

At the WSH Landscape Safety Forum 2024 on 7 August, landscape industry professionals learnt about the latest regulatory requirements and WSH best practices for their industry. During the event, expert speakers shared about:
Working safely on public streets 
Good WSH measures include having an adequate traffic control plan, ensuring requirements for the deployment of truck-mounted attenuators, and installing temporary tentage to shelter workers from inclement weather.

Best practices in managing risks that landscape workers face 
Such best practices include conducting pre-operation equipment checks to minimise equipment hazards, scheduling work around inclement weather for managing slips, trips and falls, and selecting appropriate gear to reduce strains due to ergonomic issues.

Protecting landscape workers from risks due to wildlife encounters
These include wild boar and crow attacks, insect bites and consequential allergic reactions, and other vector-borne diseases.

Mr Tang Tuck Weng, Assistant Chief Executive Officer of the Park and Lifestyle Cluster at NParks and Chairman of the WSH Council (Landscape) Sub-Committee, emphasised the importance of the landscape industry in transforming Singapore into a “City In Nature”, a key pillar under the Singapore Green Plan 2030. He called for collective responsibility by all to ensure that WSH standards are upheld, through the 3Es:

Senior management to empower workers to report unsafe situations;

Supervisors to ensure safe work procedures are implemented; and

Workers to embrace safe work procedures to protect themselves and their co-workers.

Over 150 landscape industry professionals attended the Forum, which was organised by the Landscape Industry Association (Singapore) and supported by National Parks Board (NParks) and WSH Council.

Read the Opening Speech.