Well-being Champions Network Engagement Session

30 May 2024 Forum Past Event Mental Well-being , Total WSH

  • Date:

    22 Apr 2024

  • Time:

    9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

  • Location:

    Deutsche Bank AG
  • Spots Available:


  • Event resources:

    (Jump to event resources)

The quarterly Well-being Champions Network engagement session on 22 April 2024 was a highly interactive and enriching event, empowering the close to 160 participants with insights and resources to implement mental well-being support system in their organisations. 

In his welcome address, Mr Christopher Koh, General Manager of the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council reiterated the Network’s commitment to help organisations build their capabilities to support employees’ well-being. He encouraged employers to take the first step by appointing Well-being Champions to advocate for and promote mental well-being.

Mr Akash Mohapatra, Managing Director and Associate General Counsel of Deutsche Bank AG, a founding member of the Network and the event's venue sponsor, shared the importance of such a network. He highlighted the Network serves as a platform for members to reach out to peers and professionals – to support and learn from one another’s best practices, experiences, and challenges.

Through engaging discussion and role play, participants explored effective approaches to promoting mental well-being in the workplace, key being:

· Introduction to iWorkHealth: Participants were introduced to this free online company administered survey tool designed to help organisations better understand their well-being climate by identifying workplace stressors. Recommendations and interventions are also provided for employers and employees to address these stressors effectively and promote a healthier work environment;

· Immersive demonstrations: The Singapore Red Cross Society led engaging role plays and discussions which showcased the knowledge, skills and attitudes covered in the Well-being First Responders (WFR) programme on providing peer support;

· Interactive learning: Through small-group discussions, participants explored how the PeerForward programme can help organisations to foster a culture of trust and support, and encourage employees to seek help and support each other;

· Insightful sharing: Insights from the Network’s discovery sessions were shared, highlighting common challenges faced by Champions and focus areas for strategic well-being initiatives detailed in the Well-being Strategy Guide such as employee engagement and awareness; and

· Leadership coaching preview: Participants had a taster session of the “Rise Up Champions!” coaching journey which offers a comprehensive exploration of values and characteristics needed for effective leadership in well-being initiatives.

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A virtual exhibition has also been set up for participants and fellow like-minded individuals to access the Well-being Strategy Guide and find out more about the trainings offered.
Learn more about the Well-being Champions Network.

Read additional workplace mental well-being related resources