Singapore Petrochemical Complex Health, Safety and Environment Campaign 2023

15 May 2024 Forum Past Event Chemicals Chemical

  • Date:

    08 Jun 2023

  • Time:

    10:45 AM - 12:45 PM

  • Location:

    Singapore Petrochemical Complex

  • Spots Available:


  • Event resources:

    Not Added Yet

Ahead of their shutdown maintenance (SDM) exercise, the Singapore Petrochemical Complex launched their HSE Campaign 2023 on 8 June 2023. The Campaign aims to rally the complex companies and their contractors to upkeep the high workplace safety and health (WSH) standards, especially during the SDM, a massive exercise involving 3,000 workers participating in different activities at the same time.

Mr Imamura Eiji, Vice President of Sumitomo Chemical Asia Pte Ltd, delivered the Opening Address, where he called on everyone to do their part for a safe and healthy working environment  by following safe work procedures; maintaining constant communication; identifying and addressing potential hazards; and actively monitoring the work processes. 

In his keynote address, Mr Abu Bakar Mohd Nor, Chairman of WSH Council, spoke on the recently announced SAFE (Safety Accountability, Focus and Empowerment) measures, and how they would impact the chemical industries. In encouraging the attendees to take the lead in improving WSH among, Mr Bakar urged them to be bizSAFE partners, and utilise technologies, such as drones and e-permit systems, to improve work processes and address WSH issues.

More than 140 personnel who attended the launch, including senior management of the complex companies and contractors, were encouraged to embrace the Vision Zero (VZ) mindset, where every injury and ill-health at work is preventable.

Learn more about the Jurong Island Vision Zero (JIVZ) Cluster and how you can join the VZ movement, and receive invites and news on upcoming events for the chemical industries.