WSH Forum for Logistics and Transport Industry: Improving Warehouse Safety Through Vision Zero

28 Jun 2024 Forum Past Event Forklift , Housekeeping , Vehicular Safety Logistics and Transport

  • Date:

    15 Jul 2021

  • Time:

    9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

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WSH Forum for L&T Industry reinforces warehouse safety and witnesses momentous Vision Zero Pledging Ceremony
More than 250 senior managers, supervisors and safety professionals attended the WSH Forum for the Logistics and Transport (L&T) Industry, organised by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, on 15 July 2021. The forum shared the importance of adopting a Vision Zero mindset in improving warehouse safety and practical WSH solutions that could be implemented.
In his opening address, Guest-of-Honour Mr John Ng, Chairman of the WSH Council, expressed concern that the Transportation and Storage sector continued to be amongst the top three, with a high number of fatal and major injuries.  He highlighted two fatal accidents involving forklift operations that happened in the past month, and urged companies and workers to heed safety rules to avoid the loss of lives.
Hal Completions Manufacturing shared on its “Journey to Zero” and the various technological enhancements to its forklifts, while the WSH Council (Logistics & Transport) Committee shared the importance of proper lighting in warehouses, requirements to achieve this and the maintenance of such environment in the context of safety and health for workers. 

Ministry of Manpower shared the common contraventions and good practices in warehouses, as well as case studies and lessons learnt.
Emphasising the importance of safe forklift operations, the WSH Council recently produced a safety sticker available in five different languages to remind workers on the authorised use of forklifts, and a pictogram poster with tips on how forklift operators can operate the vehicle properly and safely. 
Held in conjunction with the forum was a Vision Zero Pledging Ceremony, where four main trade associations – Container Depot and Logistics Association (Singapore), SAAA@Singapore, Singapore Logistics Association and Singapore Transport Association – pledged their commitment to collectively promulgate Vision Zero to more than 1,000 association members and to create the Vision Zero Cluster for the L&T Industry. This cluster aims to reinforce the WSH ownership of companies from this industry and help them achieve better WSH performance. Companies who are keen to join the L&T Industry’s Vision Zero Cluster can do so on the WSH Council’s website.
Read Opening Address by John Ng Chairman of WSH Council at WSH Forum for Logistics and Transport Industry

Download the forklift sticker and the 6 Basic WSH Rules for Safe Forklift Operation poster.

Join the Vision Zero Cluster for L&T Industry.