SHA Hotel WSH Week

05 Mar 2021 Forum Past Event

  • Date:

    29 Jun 2020

  • Time:

    9:00 AM - 9:50 AM

  • Location:

    Online platform (Zoom)
  • Spots Available:


  • Event resources:

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SHA kicks off Hotel WSH Week online with over 100 participating hotels
The SHA Hotel WSH Week kicked-off with an e-launch on the Zoom meeting platform on Monday, 29 June, which saw over 100 hotel brands committing to brief their staff on the importance of WSH in the week ahead. Organised by the Singapore Hotel Association and supported by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, the event is a timely reminder to all employers and employees in the hotel industry that WSH, upheld further by the implementation of Safe Management Measures, should be kept top of mind at all times.
In her opening remarks, Ms Kwee Wei-Lin, SHA President and Chairperson of the WSH Council (Hospitality and Entertainment Industries) Committee, commended the industry for its resilience and ability to remain nimble during these tough times. She placed specific emphasis on the importance of WSH and encouraged the industry to continue to strive for a safe and healthy work environment for every employee, even in the light of embracing a new normal.
Representatives from Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore and Fairmont Singapore & Swissôtel The Stamford shared their ongoing efforts to ensure that good WSH practices were constantly being reviewed throughout the Circuit Breaker period and in the light of safe re-opening.
Good company practices
Copthorne King’s Hotel shared about its use of innovations such as the robotic vacuum cleaner and robotic egg machine that helped its employees reduce contact with guests to lower the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and how these innovations improved WSH by reducing the frequency of repetitive movements and contact with hot surfaces. The company replaced chemical scents in the lobby with an ionizer that cleans the air and reduces the growth of mold, thus protecting employees' health. The hotel also regularly organises virtual workout sessions and offers counselling for the well-being of employees.  
At Fairmont Singapore & Swissôtel The Stamford , contactless check-ins and transactions as well as bi-weekly spot checks and audits are in place to protect the guests and the safety and health of its employees. The hotel has also reconfigured the staff canteen to make adhering to social distancing easier and more comfortable for employees.  
Programme for participation
The SHA Hotel WSH Week will run from Monday, 29 June to Friday, 3 July 2020, and participating hotels may pick a day within this period to organise a WSH briefing for their staff. In support of the SHA Hotel WSH Week, the WSH Council has put together a set of briefing materials and resources, made available to the participating hotels online, so they can set aside time to take care of the safety and health of every employee at the workplace.