bizSAFE Awards 2023 Public Briefing

10 May 2024 Briefing Past Event

  • Date:

    12 May 2023

  • Time:

    10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

  • Location:

    Microsoft (MS) Teams 
  • Spots Available:


  • Event resources:

    (Jump to event resources)

This year’s bizSAFE Awards welcome the introduction of a new award category - WSH Tech Awards, to recognise bizSAFE enterprises who are committed to enhancing workplace safety and health (WSH) through the adoption of tech-enabled solutions.

The annual bizSAFE Awards recognise bizSAFE enterprises who have demonstrated exemplary risk management and dedication towards raising WSH standards and practices within their business network.  If your company has gone the extra mile to advocate good WSH practices amongst your subsidiaries and contracted companies, we invite you to participate in the bizSAFE Awards 2023:

bizSAFE Partner Award (For companies with active bizSAFE Partner status)
bizSAFE Enterprise Exemplary Award (For SMEs with active bizSAFE Star Enterprise status)
bizSAFE Champion Award (For individuals nominated by applying company of bizSAFE Partner Award or bizSAFE Enterprise Exemplary Award)
[New] WSH Tech Award (For companies with active bizSAFE Level 3 & above status)

For more information, visit the bizSAFE Awards 2023 webpage.