Workplace Mental Well-being Campaign 2021

Poor mental health at the workplace has been a growing concern. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to new working conditions, resulting in an increase in workplace stress and anxiety. Organised by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, the Workplace Mental Well-being Campaign addresses the importance of mental well-being in the workplace, an essential component of the overall health which can impact the workers’ performance and even, their safety.

Launch of Workplace Mental Well-being Campaign 2021 
Launched as part of the year-long 2021 National Workplace Safety and Health Campaign, this inaugural event seeks to encourage employees to take time to take care of their mental well-being at work, and employers to take action to improve their employees’ well-being.

The Campaign will introduce initiatives and resources which can help companies address mental well-being issues at work. Catch the Campaign launch and video as we share how mental resilience can be fostered through the support of everyone in the workplace, from workers and human resource and WSH professionals to the management. This event supports the recent National Mental Well-being Campaign by the Health Promotion Board.

Date: 9 December 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 11am – 12pm
Venue: Online

Register for Workplace Mental Well-being Campaign 2021 Launch today. 

Time Programme 
11am Welcome
11:05am Opening Address
by Mr Zaqy Mohamad, Senior Minister of State for Manpower
11:15am Opening Address
by Mr Zaqy Mohamad, Senior Minister of State for Manpower
11:25am Screening of Campaign video 
11:30am Interview on Mental Well-being with Industry Leader 
Ms Lyn Lee, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
Royal Dutch Shell PLC
12pm End