Seven fatalities in three weeks WSH Council calls upon industry for a Safety Time Out for Machinery

23 Feb 2021 Announcements

2021 saw seven fatal workplace accidents occurring in the month of February alone, more than double as compared to same month in 2020. Three cases were from the construction sector, two from logistics & transport, one from marine and one from other workplaces. Of the seven, three workers fell from height, three were caught between objects and one was involved in a work-related traffic accident.

Preliminary investigations revealed that safety and health hazards were not identified as the risk assessments conducted at the workplaces were inadequate, and proper work methods were also not established before work commencement. Another common finding was related to untrained and unauthorised use of machinery, specifically forklifts and Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs).

Mr John Ng, Chairman of the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council expressed his concern, “I am gravely concerned with this spate of seven fatal workplace accidents that is unprecedented and the absolute unnecessary loss of lives. These accidents can be prevented if proper risk assessments had been carried out, and site personnel adhere strictly to safe work procedures. I call on all employers to do a Safety Time-Out especially on the use of machinery, to assess and review existing safety provisions and implement immediate necessary measures to uphold good safety practices.”

Find out how to conduct a WSH Risk Assessment to manage risks in your workplace. Get more resources on how to manage WSH risks.

Get more resources on safe use of forklifts; find out how to work safely at heights.