National WSH Campaign 2020

27 Apr 2020 Ceremony Past Event

The annual National WSH Campaign sets the stage for the WSH Council's year-long outreach efforts to promote safety and health at the workplace. It is organised by the Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Council, and supported by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF).

Opening of National WSH Campaign 2020
In support of the government’s call for safe distancing measures to counter COVID-19, this year’s National Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Campaign was held online, together with our Tripartite partners, namely MOM, SNEF and NTUC. The Campaign was streamed on the WSH Council’s Facebook page on 27 April 2020 via a series of video posts.

Facebook Post 1
Welcome Remarks by Mr John Ng, Chairman of the WSH Council

Facebook Post 2
Opening Remarks by Mr Zaqy Mohamad, Minister of State for Manpower

Facebook Post 3
Sharing of the National WSH Campaign message by MOM, WSH Council and Tripartite partners (Mr Melvin Yong, Assistant Secretary-General of NTUC, and Mr Douglas Foo, Vice President of SNEF)

Facebook Post 4
Sharing of COVID-19 prevention tips

Facebook Post 5
MOS Zaqy, Mr John Ng, Mr Melvin Yong and Mr Douglas Foo attempt the persona quiz on new Campaign microsite

Click on the above Facebook posts to watch Minister of State Zaqy and WSH Council Chairman Mr John Ng share the various messages and activities of the 2020 Campaign.

2020 Campaign Message
The WSH Council calls upon the industry, employers and employees to “Take Time to Take Care” of their safety and health at work, with health as the focus this year, so as to build a healthier and safer workforce at the workplace.

A Healthier You Is a Safer You
As an employee, your state of health can affect not just your work performance but also your ability to prevent injuries at work. This may cause you to unknowingly place the safety of not just yourself but also your co-workers at risk. Always be conscious of your body’s health signals, at and off work, and take steps to address them – whether these signals are due to a momentary state of poor health, fatigue, age, or chronic illness. Set aside time to care for your health so that you can be safe and productive at work.
As an employer, you can demonstrate care for employees by encouraging them to look after their health. This will, in turn, lead to a healthier and more productive workforce.

Campaign Microsite
The WSH Council has created a Take Time to Take Care microsite with information for both employers and employees. Visit it to learn more about this year's campaign focus, as well as what you can do to improve safety and health at work.
For employers
Your employees' health is important. They need to be healthy in order to be safe at work. Learn the 3 ways you can create a healthy workforce and help your employees to take care of their health and well-being through:
Disease management – Facilitate regular check-ups, age-appropriate health screenings and health coaching for employees to detect common medical conditions early.
Lifestyle management – Encourage your employees to embrace a healthy lifestyle by adopting lifestyle management programmes to stay fit and well.

Download the Employer’s Kit to find out how you can improve your employees' health at work, and enhance their well-being.

Share our Campaign CARE kit with your employees on how they can improve and manage their health at work, and get them to begin their wellness journey today.

For employees
Your health is not just about you. It can also affect your work performance, which may in turn put your co-workers at risk. In the microsite, you will find useful resources such as:
Short health messages that you and your co-workers can share with each other via social media.
A fun campaign quiz that helps you identify your persona and provides tips on how you can improve your health and lifestyle habits.

Campaign Resources
As an employer, you may download the following WSH training resources and 6 WSH Tips on Safe Distancing at Workplaces to share with your employees. They are on common workplace hazards such as machinery safety, fall from height, and slips, trips and falls.