Key Qualities Found in Exemplary Employers: What Sets Them Apart?

Discover the key characteristics of a good employer and considerations to enhance your practices and work environment.

16 Sep 2024 Articles Age management Flexible Work Arrangements Grievance handling Performance management Recruitment Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices Work-life harmony Workplace harassment Best practices

Exemplary Employers

TAFEP’s “Beyond 20/20: DNA of Progressive Employers” showcased five elements that define progressive employers' mindsets and approaches towards their business and employees: collaborative networks, employee voice, continuous evolution, talent optimisation and holistic care. These elements were derived from the evaluation process of the Tripartite Alliance Award (TAA) 2021 finalists.

Key qualities of exemplary employers across various award categories observed in the TAA 2023 assessment complement and reinforce the earlier five elements and underscore a strong commitment to fair and progressive employment practices, helping to set organisations apart. 

Find out if your organisation embodies these qualities and use the considerations to enhance your practices and work environment. 

Visionary Leadership 

Senior management plays a crucial role in setting the organisation’s tone and direction. Exemplary employers have leaders who recognise the benefits of fair and progressive employment practices for both the business and its employees. These leaders develop clear strategies that align with the organisational goals to build a fair, responsible and progressive workplace. They also ensure their actions match their words, reinforcing their commitment to fairness and inclusion.

Consider how your senior leaders:

  • Set the strategic direction. Do they articulate and commit to fair, responsible and progressive employment practices? This includes pledging to be a fair employer, empowering HR to implement relevant programmes to support employees' overall well-being and development, and sharing their values and commitments through various communication channels. This approach ensures alignment, engagement, and active involvement in creating a fair and inclusive workplace across the organisation.
  • Lead by example. Do their actions reflect core values such as fairness and inclusiveness? This includes participating in policy reviews and actively championing programmes that align with these values. Simple actions, such as engaging in team bonding activities or using work-life programmes, can also strengthen their connection with employees and reinforce their commitment to a supportive, inclusive work environment. 

People-Centric Culture

Exemplary employers view employees as valuable individuals and foster a positive workplace culture based on compassion and care. They implement programmes and practices that promote fairness, inclusion and respect, allowing all employees to thrive.

Consider how your organisation:

  • Places employees at the heart of its progress. What programmes and practices are in place to ensure employees feel valued and supported? For example, does your organisation ensure fairness, from recruitment and promotion to training, emphasise continuous training and development to prepare the entire workforce for future challenges, and offer work-life programmes to support employees’ work and personal aspirations?
  • Implements impactful programmes. How do these initiatives contribute to creating a positive and inclusive work environment? Consider whether they promote, for example, employee engagement and well-being, and any positive business results.

Multi-Touchpoint Listening Approach

Effective communication and feedback practices involve using various platforms to share information and engage in genuine two-way dialogue with employees. Exemplary employers excel in this area by actively seeking feedback to gain a deeper understanding of employee experiences, identify areas for improvement, and effectively address employee concerns and meet their evolving needs. 

Consider how your organisation:

  • Uses communication platforms. What methods are used to communicate with and gather feedback from employees? Consider employing both formal channels such as town halls and surveys, and informal ones, like casual check-ins, to engage with diverse groups effectively.
  • Acts on feedback. What specific actions have been taken based on employee feedback? Have any practices or programmes been adjusted or introduced? Consider communicating changes made as a result of feedback, such as through internal newsletters or company-wide meetings, to demonstrate responsiveness and transparency.
  • Provides a safe environment. How does your organisation ensure employees feel safe giving their feedback? For example, is there training for managers on how to handle feedback constructively and are anonymous feedback options available? 

Agile and Adaptable Mindset

Another key quality of exemplary employers is their agile and adaptable mindset. They regularly update their policies and practices based on employee feedback and changes in the broader environment to keep their programmes and practices relevant and effective. 

Consider what your organisation does to:

  • Review and respond. How often does your organisation update its policies and practices? How do you identify areas that need review? For example, does your organisation gather feedback from employees through surveys and focus group discussions, and compare practices against industry standards, etc.? 
  • Stay informed. How does your organisation keep up with local and international best practices, trends and research in fair and progressive employment practices for benchmarking and improvement? This could include actively researching industry trends or attending external forums and conferences.
  • Implement changes. What specific programmes and practices have been improved or enhanced as a result? For example, investment in new technologies or ergonomic workspaces for employee safety, comfort, and productivity, benefiting both the business and employees.


About the Tripartite Alliance Award

The Tripartite Alliance Award (TAA) is organised once every two years by TAFEP and is conferred by the tripartite partners (Ministry of Manpower, National Trades Union Congress and Singapore National Employers Federation). This award recognises organisations who excel in building fair and progressive workplaces and keep employees at the heart of their progress. Progressive employment practices are HR strategies, policies, programmes and practices that create and sustain an inclusive workplace. 

Applications for TAA 2025 will open on Monday, 16 September 2024, and close on Friday, 15 November 2024. Interested organisations can download the application forms from starting 16 September 2024. To learn more about the awards, including the eligibility criteria, visit or join the TAA 2025 briefing sessions