- Home
- About Us
- Compliments
- Getting started
- Resources
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- Contact Us
- FAQs
- Advisory Appointment
- How do I make an appointment?
- How do I change or cancel my appointment?
- My commission is not paid, what can i do?
- I have a salary, dismissal or employment dispute. What do I do?
- Am I entitled to commission payments if I've resigned and left the company?
- I encountered errors when I tried to change or cancel an appointment online. What do I do?
- I have been retrenched. Am I entitled to retrenchment benefits and who should I approach?
- How long is the appointment and who can attend?
- LIquidation JM Bankruptcy
- I am a Platform Worker with a fee payment-related dispute, what do I do?
- Role of Advisory Officer
- What is the difference between termination and retrenchment?
- What resources and tools can I refer to, to understand my rights and obligations?
- What is retrenchment?
- Chatbot
- I have feedback or suggestions on the chatbot. How do I provide them?
- My questions were not addressed by the chatbot, where can I seek help?
- How do I use or access the chatbot?
- Nothing appears after I input or select an option in the chatbot, what do I do?
- Nothing appears after I clicked “Reset” on the “Ask TADM” logo in the chatbot window, what do I do?
- How do I reset the chatbot?
- If I clicked wrongly or selected the wrong option in the chatbot, what do I do?
- What does our chatbot do?
- General Information
- I encountered a blank page when I was using the "Ask TADM" chatbot or TADM's eServices via my iPhone. What do I do?
- How does TADM communicate with our customers?
- How do I get a Singpass
- How to complete survey
- How to contact TADM
- Where are TADM Service Centres located?
- What is a Singpass
- Claim Lodgement
- How can I claim notice pay from my ex-employee?
- I am unsure about a scenario specific to my employee or company. What do I do?
- I encountered errors when I tried to file my claim online. What do I do?
- Contact Us Form
- Mediation
- Can I indicate my preference for online mediation or in-person mediation
- I filed a case and made payment, what is the next step?
- Parties responding to claims - Respond
- Do I have to attend the mediation when I disagree with the claims?
- (For Employers) Who can attend or represent the company at mediation?
- I am facing technical difficulties in registering a representative. Who can I approach?
- (For Employees) Can a 3rd party participate or represent me in mediation sessions?
- 3rd party
- Can I log in to the TADM eServices portal on my mobile device?
- What should I do if I have technical problems on the TADM eServices portal?
- As an employer, how do I appoint a representative to take part in TADM’s mediation process?
- Can I refuse to attend the session and request for mediation to continue virtually?
- If the online mediation does not work out, can I have an in-person mediation with the case officer?
- Can a mediator issue a Claim Referral Certificate (CRC) without an in-person mediation?
- I cannot log in to TADM’s eServices with my Singpass. What should I do?
- What is the process on the TADM ODR portal like?
- What resources can I refer to on my rights and obligations as employee/employer during the e-Negotiation stage?
- The other party has not responded to my proposal and there are only a few days left in the e-Negotiation stage. What should I do?
- Can a mediator look into my case before the expiry of e-Negotiation?
- How is e-Mediation conducted?
- Can I opt out of having my case mediated virtually?
- Payment
- eServices
- Employees file employment claim
- (For employers) File notice pay
- (For Employers) Register a company representative to respond to the claim(s)
- Pay filing fees
- Unions file claim for members
- Know your options
- Mediation guide
- Locations
- Privacy Statement
- Terms of use