What can I expect after I file my claim?
Last updated 14 Aug 2023
Upon lodgement of the claim, TADM will commence the dispute resolution process.
The process consists of two stages: e-Negotiation and Mediation.
Stage 1. e-Negotiation (for most cases)
- During this stage, the mediator is not involved.
- Employees and employers are strongly encouraged to reach an amicable settlement within 5 working days. They can do so by accepting a proposal or making a counter-proposal. This will save the time and cost of having to go through mediation subsequently.
- Employees and employers can upload documents to support their cases.
- If a financial settlement is reached at this stage, the responding party will be requested to state the payment date.
Stage 2. Mediation
- Should the dispute remain unresolved after e-Negotiation has ended, the assigned mediator will conduct the mediation online and/or in person to help parties resolve the claim.
- The mediator may conclude the case at e-mediation stage or schedule an in-person mediation session.
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