We provide mediation for:
Salary-related employment claims: These are claims arising when a party breaches an agreement in an employment contract or under the Employment Act. These claims must first be mediated at TADM before they can be heard by the Employment Claims Tribunals.
Wrongful dismissal claims under the Employment Act and Child Development Co-Savings Act for dismissals without just or sufficient cause. We will assess if the claim on wrongful dismissal can be substantiated before arranging for mediation. If your wrongful dismissal claims cannot be resolved at TADM, you can pursue the claim at the Employment Claims Tribunals.
Note: Managers or executives dismissed with the required notice or salary in-lieu of notice according to their terms of employment must have at least 6 months of service to submit a claim for wrongful dismissal. For managers or executives dismissed without notice, no minimum service period is required.
- Appeals under the Retirement and Re-employment Act referred by the Ministry of Manpower.
For other types of employment disputes, or fee payment-related disputes for self-employed persons (including platform workers), we may offer advisory and mediation, where appropriate.