People of TAL
Mediator, Local Workers Mediation
Nothing is permanent and adjusting to constant change is vital in order to stay relevant.
That’s my guiding principle in life and it has served me well for over 40 years in my career as a Human Resources Professional.
I am a very active person by nature and will always engage myself with work to keep myself occupied. When I was offered a senior HR position after my retirement in 2010, I accepted the overseas posting gladly.
Upon my return to Singapore in 2015, I was approached to take on a role as a consultant in the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP), where I provided advice on HR practices and the labour laws to employers. After one and a half years, I was identified for another role within the organisation. This time, I was offered a role in the Tripartite Alliance for Dispute Management (TADM). Unlike my role in TAFEP, I get to assist both employers and employees in employment issues such as salary disputes and grievances in my capacity as a TADM mediator.
My role can be challenging at times. I can vividly recall a recent case that stood out from the other cases I have handled. The claimant was in his early 20s and had issues with his employer. During the mediation, the claimant’s parents came along and requested to sit in as well.
Now, imagine mediating a dispute and having to do so in front of the claimant’s parents who stood firm in their decision to fault the employer. Most would agree that it’s a daunting task.
What eventually broke the ice was the mention of a Peranakan dish known as Ayam Buah Keluak. The claimant’s father was conversing in Peranakan Malay with his wife during the break on their dinner plans. Being a Peranakan myself, I replied in the same language, which caught them by surprise. The tension eased thereafter, and the parents were more receptive to my suggestions in resolving their son’s dispute.
Despite being in my 70s, I try to live life to the fullest each day. I participated in long-distance running till my knees gave way in my 60s and had to undergo two knee surgeries. That did not stop me from running. I now do my runs in the pool twice a day to strengthen my knees. Hopefully, that will help me to stay healthy and active even after my retirement.
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